Code P0448 - Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Close.


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
Code P0448 - Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Close. anybody ever deal with this? I didn't find anything when I was sorting through the How to sections the other day


Test Drive
Doubt the gas cap is the issue

The problem with mine and that code was the valve mounted on the evap canister was full of dirt and it would not open and close properly. I replaced that and added a breather to the tail light

The sensor originally is on a filter that snaps into your frame rail. Its stupid as duck and basic driving can throw this code

when it comes back that should be your next step


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
I agree I am waiting for a warmer day to look more into it. So far no code with the new gas cap. If this fixes it until spring when I am already ping to be working on the front and rear bumpers I will take the evap can off and do the extension to it


Test Drive
If it does stay off maybe you ere just real lucky and some how the gas cap was the fix. I just know me and a bunch of guys have the same prob and only fix was the valve replacement


Test Drive
Its real easy to figure out once you get your eyes on it. Then you can see how Nissan did a ****ty job locating it for a "offroad" module SUV


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
well as an update ive been driving around since saturday with the new gas cap and after clearing the codes. no SES since. so looks like a 10$ gas cap could of been my issue.


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
well the code came back about a week and a half later, baisicly a couple days after I had to start taking a grid road back to work again. since it's abbove normal weather here ( abbove freezing ) I am going to be looking at clearig out the Evap can and the valve this weekend

SteadyHigh. PM sent regarding this


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
so took the evap can out over the weekend. and took the good old air compressor to that valve and hooly Afghan sand storm coming out of that thing. now everything put back together I get the occasional P0452: Evaporative Emission System Pressjre sensor/switch low imput code. I can clear the code, and drive for 3 hours with no issues. but at randome start ups it throws this code. any info. I might see if I can take everything appart again one morning this week since it's supposed to be nice untill wednesday after that it's gonna get cold


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
I know it's not dirty. It might be a bad sensor. Or I didn't clip the plugs in properly. But this is a ransomed code that comes up in randome intervals. Supposed to get cold again up here so looks like I am going to wait until it starts warming up


lone wolf mod
Founding Member
If youre still having issues with this. It could be the valve that opens and closes got damaged in the dirt or cleaning process, its a terrible design, i think the recall was for the earlier builds, I had it come up after hunting and passing thru some deep bug dust and creek crossing its basically created concrete, then after driving through Yellowstone during a rain storm it managed to saturate enough of it to flush it out, and it went away. Its a stupid thing we have to deal with, and expensive to replace, and a ***** to take apart to clean out. You'll know if there is something up with it when you fill up, because it will act like the tank is full and stop when your filling up before its full, really kind of a pain.


If you bleeding, Imma fix you
still dealing with this. the stealership wants $150-200 for the Valve sylenoid. and the same part is on Rock auto for about $100. need to wait untill they get back in stock for me to order