Recent content by X-wing

  1. X-wing

    Rear suspension

    Can anyone direct me to where I can find the oem drive height? Before I take my tape measure from parking lot to parking lot...
  2. X-wing

    Rear Hatch Adjustment?

    Is there a procedure for adjusting the fit of the rear hatch when it is latched? Mine is rattling beyond the limits of my stereos volume...
  3. X-wing

    Ome Dakar Rear Leaf Springs (lift Question) Continued

    I've just installed the OME Dakkar rear leaf springs, now I'm going to have to level this install. I put Bilstein 5100 shocks on the back with the new leafs and as of now, plan to install Bilstein 6112 lift system in the front. I read something about installing an adjustable bolt to assist with...
  4. X-wing

    Ome Dakar Rear Leaf Springs (lift Question)

    good information, thank you
  5. X-wing

    Ome Dakar Rear Leaf Springs (lift Question)

    I just installed a set of OME Dakar leaf springs. I ended up getting more lift than what was advertised. They were advertised to add 1.5 inch lift in the back, and ended up getting almost three inches after instillation. Is this a combination of my old springs sagging, and the new ones adding...
  6. X-wing

    Overload Leaf Spring

    lining everything up is much easier doing both at the same time