VAXC Website Event Calendar


Chesapeake, VA
I have a hard time keeping up with events and all. I actually have not put any events on the VAXC website since mid last year. We are planning some official events soon BUT if you have any trips you are planning, mod days, etc - anything where you want to invite folks from the club, send me a PM. There's a few reasons for it. Some folks don't have Facebook and depend on the website for news. Having events in the news feed shows we are active and when people search for club and find the website we want to appear active!

I will be putting up some resources on the website soon. In the stead of spotted cards which have to be ordered I'm going to make a flyer you can print out at home whenever you want. This will help us get the word out more because who wants to buy cards? It's easier to stick some fliers that you printed at home for free to stick on other people's trucks.



Call me Daddy
Richmond, Va
I would put things like GONE, WENT, Shocker, ECXC, Northern Exposure and so on all onto the calendar since those are the bigger and more established events that almost always have people in attendance from VAXC.