Recent content by Fromfrontier2Xterra

  1. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    The whole Covid bullshiat really ufcked up my timelines.
  2. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    Time flies man. Can’t believe I got the taco almost 5 years ago already and the x back in 13.
  3. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    Anyone want to buy mine? I’ll sell it cheap if it’s to one of you.
  4. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    Most likely f-150
  5. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    Welp officially one step closer for xterra to go bye bye. Taco paid off and have enough for down payment.
  6. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    Well if not, always welcome in pa as you know lol.
  7. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    Honestly, love my wife. But from an intellectual and numbers standpoint, single is much better. lol.
  8. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    And some of us are jealous of being single…lol
  9. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    What are you listening to right now?

    Looking back, my taste in music has a huge piece of pie in my brain. lol.
  10. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    No perhaps. It is.
  11. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    And every single damn bed rots out and they all spit ball joints.
  12. Fromfrontier2Xterra

    TGPWS 10: The Tentacle Invasion

    How about night shift that identifies as day shift lmao