Xterraforce is here. Lord help us all.


<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u7/ra
Founding Member
Signal Mtn., TN
I've been here for a few days and thought I should introduce myself. My name is Jonathan and I live on Signal Mountain, just northwest of Chattanooga, TN. I've always liked Nissans and fell in love with the Xterra when it was first introduced. In 2010 I finally got one. It's a 2004 that was owned since new by a guy who worked at the Smyrna plant where it was made. After wanting one for so long I was a little worried that I may have built it up to much in my mind and would be disappointed. Boy was I wrong. It did everything I expected and the ride and drive was better than I thought it would be. I was extra happy to learn that not only is it a great vehicle, the Xterra community is one of the best around. I've learned so much from many of the people that are now here in the Nation and it seems like I learn something new every day.

I'm proud to be part of Xterra Nation and can't wait to meet everyone at nXm 2012.


Titan Swapped / SAS'd
Founding Member
Welcome, and also thank you for getting the specs for that custom bumper to James up in KY for the rest of us, now we can have a custom builder for XterraNation


<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u7/ra
Founding Member
Signal Mtn., TN
Thanks. I kept waiting for someone to take an Xterra to him and was looking forward to buying one. I finally called to see if he had measurements yet and he said no one had brought one by. I checked his address and figured it was only 300 miles so asked when he wanted me. From what I hear by early next year he's going to be busy filling orders. I sure hope he gets a lot of business from the Xterra community.