Rausch Creek Trail Rides


First Fill-Up (of many)
Conshohocken, PA
Hey guys and gals,

I wanted to try to set up a ride at Rausch Creek in Tremont, Pa in the beginning or middle of August. I missed ECXC because of a wedding and the back to school run got moved to Southwestern New Hampshire and thats just too far of a ride for me for how my work happens. So i wanted to get a small group (or large if more want to go) out to Rausch. I ride greens at this point so if there are others that want to do greens all you need is two vehicles minimum.

The dates im looking at are: August 9th to 10th or august 16th-17th

I was thinking of wheeling one day but may be open to wheel sunday as well. If there are only a couple people that want to go thats fine with me. A good group size is 4-6 trucks IMO. Let me know if there is interest. I need to get some wheeling done soon.