Front end creak while turning and hitting a bump.


Need Bigger Tires
Loris, SC
Whenever I crank it hard, right or left, and try to turn everything is fine.

Until I hit a bump. Then the loudest most obnoxious freaking noise emits from my front end and makes everyone look at me and think,"What a ghetto car, creaking and making all that racket."

I must get to the bottom of this.

It ONLY creaks while in motion, and turning HARD to the left OR the right.

Could it be something as simple as not being greased? Or is something FUBARed and i have to rip it out with my bare hands?

Regardless, lets Sherlock Holmes this please.

Silver dude

Founding Member
Sounds like the steering stop issue. Stock they have plastic caps. Over time the stops wear off or fall off. Leaving it metal on metal. BRRROINK! When on full lock turning and hitting a bump. You can slab some grease on the stops or order new caps to fix the issue.
