DepHep Molle Panels from XERRA PERFORMANCE


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Carlisle, Iowa
I am terrible at taking pictures while installing things... hopefully this will help you out though....

First off the Molle Panels come with all the hardware needed to install... 3 tabs, screws to go into the plastic and bolts to put the tabs on the panel...

1. Start by making sure you have the metal ceiling hooks, you want the open part of the hook to be facing away from the window like this

2. then install the bottom 2 L brackets on the panel, you want the L to face the window, now hang the panel on the hook and mark you bottom mounts on the plastic

3. Now you want to unbolt the brackets from the bottom, line them up with your marks... and then use the phillips head screw to install them onto the plastic

4. now install the corner L bracket on the panel, then hold the panel up to the window... at this time you can install the bolts on the lower brackets...
now get the corner bracket lined up how you see best and run your last screw into the plastic

now fill that thing up with pouches!!!