Traveling with firearms and ammunition


Bought an X
'Merica (DFW)
I will be driving across country (moving, 1 way trip) and I was curious if there are any known laws regarding the amount of ammunition I can travel with. Obviously I will have the firearms and ammunition separate, out of reach of the driver (everyone for that matter). Just don't know if there are specific laws against types of ammo and quantity. Figured if anyone would know, my XN peoples would.

pew pew pew


Well, when I moved from CA to CO I had around 75,000 rounds with me or various caliber and never had an issue. CA law officers told me no problems with it if carried right, NV officers told me same, CO officers same. Didn't know anyone in UT to ask (all other states I know someone in law enforcement.)

Not sure if that helps you or not. Simple enough to google the laws though.



Shut up Baby, I know it!
Denver Adjacent
In all reality most states don't give a damn as long as they are stored separately and not in the passenger compartment. When it comes to interstate firearms laws, the two key things are where you started and where your final destination is. The states in the middle really can't do anything if you're just passing through and what your carrying is legal where you're going.