Oil leak at mating surface and a hole?


First Fill-Up (of many)
Hampton, GA
Hey everybody! So, I was cleaning up under the truck in prep for the regearing and discovered an oil leak blocked up by dirt... Please take a look at the following photos and if you can lend any assistance or input, it would be greatly appreciated!!



First Fill-Up (of many)
I can't really get oriented in the photos, but is that aluminum looking piece with the hole between the engine and transmission?

If it is, that is your bell housing (which is what it looks like to me.) That hole would be a drain for the clutch, or maybe in your case the torque converter (Manual or Auto?) area. Oil coming from there is likely a main seal leak.


First Fill-Up (of many)
Hampton, GA
That's exactly the location, on an automatic. I figured it was going to be the RMS. Guess I'll be dropping a couple of mods off the list for WENT / nXm.