SE Utah 4WD Tracks


First Fill-Up (of many)
Fort Collins, CO
I put together this Google Earth file (*.kml) and Excel spreadsheet of 4WD trails in SE Utah (and some in Colorado) and thought you all would like to check it out.

I downloaded most of the tracks from Red Rock 4-wheelers and Jeeping the USA. The tracks are color coded for difficulty rating using the Red Rock 4-Wheeler's (1-10) and Jeeping the USA (1-5) trail rating systems: green tracks (1-3 ratings) are easy, yellow and orange tracks are moderate (4-6), red tracks (7-8) are hard, and extreme tracks (9-10) are black.

Let me know if you see an errors or have any questions.


Click to download -> Google Earth file (*.kml)
Click to download -> Excel spreadsheet