I haven't been keeping up with this build here, but I've changed a few things around. I'll copy my update posts from my build thread over on RatRodBikes.
From August 14th:
Late last night I finally got around to trying a new rear tire on the bike. I stepped up from the skinny 26x1.75 to a chubbier 26x2.125 and I'm really digging the look. The added sidewall height makes the ride a bit cushier, too.
I also rotated the rear fender a bit more forwards so the tire fills it in better, and so it leaves less fender between the end of the seat and the top of the tire.
From September 5th:
Another small update: Yesterday I modified what I think is a flashlight mount, I turned it into a bottle holder for that little glass bottle I found. I had a hard time deciding where to put it, but this is what I've come up with for the time being.
I bent and reshaped the tabs on the mount to be flat instead of round, then wrapped it in leather. I also added some leather to the clamp area to protect my wonderful 20 foot paint job, heh
It's big enough that if I remove the bottle, I can drop my phone and a couple of keys in there, which is nice since the handlebar bag doesn't have any storage space.
I'm considering adding a few small cutaways to the leather, then putting some clear yellow or amber liquid in the bottle...you know, "holy water". That of course depends on how clean I can get the inside of the bottle. I have no idea what was originally in it, or what may have been in it after the fact.
And from yesterday:
I just can't seem to leave it alone...
Nothing too special...made a paper template, transferred it to masonite, cut and sanded, drilled some holes, freehanded the lettering with a Sharpie (both sides) then rubbed with used motor oil.