I have a favor to ask of you PO's, FF's, and EMS personnel


Founding Member
I saw this while cruising around on Facebook. Fireground 360 is a page that alerts users to fires, car accidents, home invasions, etc., essentially it's a police scanner via Facebook. They posted this note and I felt a need to share it on Facebook. Then, I realized how many people here are OR know police officers, fire fighters, and/or EMS personnel; and I thought what better place to share?


In case the link doesn't work:

" There is a 6 year old child in Rustburg, Virginia who is dying of terminal cancer. His special request is to receive Christmas cards from police officers, firefighters, and EMS personnel. Let's make this little boy's wish come true this Christmas!


Nathan Norman

Cards and/or goods can be mailed to:

Nathan Norman
81 Dunivan Drive
Rustburg, VA 24588

Wish Upon a Hero original link >>> http://www.wishuponahero.com/wishes/?id=1342677

News story about Nathan via WSET-TV CBS13 >>> http://www.wset.com/story/19657190/boy-fighting-cancer-with-the-spirit-of-christmas
www.wset.com/story/19657190/boy-fighting "

What do you guys and gals say?